
- Place: home country or home
- Person: yjs and jis~
- Color: black blue white red
- Food: korean porridge
- Smell: depends
- Book: eh
- Movie: eh
- Music artist: alot
- Genre of music: alot
- Genre of literature: depends
[i answered these after mels did]
- The Meaning behind my URL : (LOL, this answer is going to be different from mels but,) we just wanted a cool name LOL and the l and m in etherealm stands for something~
- Weakness : depends and personal things
- Best Friend(s) : mels, yu an , zhong na
- Favorite Band : (WHAT DO YOU THINK? LOL)
- Life Goals : (as mels says, a successful blogger is happiness and a main point), to go to one of the top schools in my home country, get good grades, and lastly make the ones i love happy
- A Fact About My Life :, pororo, yjs, 2ne1 , probably
- Phobia : almost everything LOL
"꿈이 있다면, 절대 포기하지마라."

- Place: home sweet home
- Person: family and friends
- Color: Peach and Mint
- Food: Frozen yogurt
- Smell: fruity and fresh
- Book: Percy Jackson
- Movie: Don't really watch a lot of movies
- Music artist: Ariana Grande, Imogen Heap, and Foxes
- Genre of music: pop
- Genre of literature: YA Fiction