Wednesday, July 2, 2014

day in my life #1

hello everyone!

so today's blog post will be my first 'day in my life' blog post. I mentioned this in one of my last blog posts and decided today would be a nice day to do this blog post.

xia is the lifestyle blogger around here and I love reading her blog posts but I thought I would give lifestyle blogging a go, since it's a bit like a personal diary online. I'm also going to still be doing ins and outs post because they are a fun way of seeing the good and bad things that I've been up to in my week.

WARNING: What you are about to read is incredibly boring.

so here are some random tidbits of my day...

1. I've been talking in what I think is an Australian accent all day. I don't know what it is about me and accents, but I love talking in them. I think I'm quite good with British accents, as one my my friends always mentions I'm good at talking in a British accent. However, I'm getting worse at my British accent and better at my Australian one. I think it depends on what I'm watching. I've been watching Private School Girl, Lauren Curtis, Wengie, and Belle's accent from Once Upon a Time is rubbing off on me. As I'm typing I'm thinking in an Australian accent. Yeh I know, I'm really strange lol, x) I've actually never been to Australia, but I'd love to visit.

2. Enough about accents, I'm procrastinating right now, as usual. I attend an online summer class and I'm supposed to be doing an assignment but I'm just blogging away.

3. Woke up this morning and finally took a bath. I haven't taken a bath in such a long time. I use to take baths every single day but now I'm just taking them every week or so. I used to be a bath person but now I'm more of a shower person. Anyways, took a nice bubble bath with the Carried Away bubble bath from Bath and Body Works.

4. Speaking of Bath and Body Works, I went there a couple of days ago and walked out with a lot of soaps. I'll add a picture since I really like blog posts with pictures...

bought 3 bottles of the Sea Side Bloom soap because the packaging was pretty hehe ^_~ the other bottle was in my restroom

5. Drinking out of a massive mug right now filled with green tea. My aunt got it for me a long time ago but haven't ever used it until today. Since my diet has been all over the place, I'm going to try drinking green tea quite often. Hopefully it'll help clear up my skin as well. ;)

I think the cup is from HomeGoods, not completely sure though

6. Been reading the last book in The Infernal Devices trilogy, Clockwork Princess. It's been really nice. Can't seem to put the book down. There were lots of heartbreaking scenes and I might do a book review, but I prefer to do book reviews on books that have been newly released. But I like this trilogy so much I think I'll do a review on all three books.

7. Been feeling faint most of the day, every time I stand up my vision turns black. Looked it up and it's probably from dehydration? I mean I drank a lot of water today so I feel like that's not it.

8. Ate some pasta for dinner, which was really nice. :) mel loves pasta. After eating I felt less faint. I think I didn't eat enough and that's why I felt faint but I never felt hungry. Anyways, I'm all good now so I think the pasta helped. :)

Alright well, that was my day. Actually it's going to be my yesterday because I'm scheduling this a day after I'm typing this. I like to post every day but sometimes I don't have the inspiration to blog. So when I'm in a blogging mood I'll write a couple of posts and schedule them on different days.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and didn't find it terribly boring. I did warn you...

thank you for reading!

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