Monday, June 30, 2014

140630 | NANA

Heya~ It's Kyoung~

Kind of long time no talk?~


Here's my sad reason, I was busy with school work (summer school.. three more weeks) It's 6x faster than it's supposed to go, I have a buttload of work to do every single day... I've also been extremely stressed (more acne and hair falling out) but it's okay! I'm here!

I really adore the name NANA so I titled my post NANA because it felt NANA (lolz wth)

Okay, my camera memory card disappeared and I can't take any pictures (i just stay home and work though) so I apologize for my boring life rants.

Since you guys don't know much about me, I decided to slowly start revealing who I am very slowly..

I'll bold what applies to me and for half bolds its half/sometimes.
My personality:
  • I’m loud. 
  • I’m obnoxious.
  • I’m sarcastic.
  • I’m cocky.
  • I cry easily.
  • I have a bad temper.
  • I’m easy to get along with.
  • I have more enemies than friends.
  • I’ve smoked.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

random fun ^_^

hi everyone!

just wanted to make a quick blog post.

I was just outside chillin in my backyard when I noticed something in the corner of the gate. not sure what kind of bird it is, looks like a kestrel. but it was so adorable! I thought he was hurt because I kept approaching him and he wasn't budging. even got real close to him with my camera.

so here is the little guy. he eventually flew away because someone may or may not have tried to pet him. that someone may or may not be me.

if you didn't know, I used to have a beautiful blue parakeet named Morning Glory and she was the cutest thing. I miss her a lot and she sparked my love of birds. :)

this must be a post all about me annoying animals because gremlin is having a sticky day.

I was putting some wires up in the backyard and here she is with the sticker on her head.

it's still on her head right now. been there for hours. this made me laugh so hard and I have no idea why.

so yep, wanted to do a random post about some things going on today.

I just did an ins and outs blog post yesterday which is something inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, elle from dreaming in blush and i heart you coffee.

one of my other favorite bloggers is cyra b, thismakeupgirl. I've loved her youtube channel for quite a while and her blog is just as fun to read.

I'm thinking about doing a new series of blog post inspired by cyra "facts of the day". it's basically a blog post about random events that happened through out the day. She did a lot of these kind of posts and i really enjoyed them. So I think I'm going to start doing these once in a while. warning: they're probably going to be really boring, haha. I also am probably going to be calling them "day in my life" because I think it's a cute name. ^_~

I was thinking of making this blog post a "facts of the day" post but decided not to because I just did an ins and outs blog post. don't want to bore you with too much of my life, haha. :)

anyways, I hope you enjoyed this random blog post, I really enjoyed typing this up. 

alright, thank you so much for reading!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ins and Outs 6/27/2014

hallo everyone

so I'm back with another ins and outs post. I've been behind on posting lately, very sorry! just haven't had any good ideas for blog posts. but I thought I would review my week with an ins and outs post. I really enjoy reading these so here's another. I'll try to do these posts every week but not sure if I'll have anything interesting to say haha.


The Infernal Devices
been reading Clockwork Prince after I finished City of Heavenly Fire, which I don't recommend because there is a lot of references to the Internal Devices in COHF. Well, I'm just finishing the trilogy and I love it! I like it a lot more than The Mortal Instruments and I've heard the same thing from a lot of people. Can't wait to get reading on the third book!

I shared my favorite songs with you in the last post but this really isn't an in or an out. but I'm just ogling to share some songs I've been loving at the moment. My two favorite songs are by Denyse Tontz, Better than Nothing and Use it. So catchy and upbeat.


healthy eating
in my last post I mentioned how I was trying to eating healthy and clean. well that went completely out the door. is that even the correct term? lol x) well I've been eating so much junk and my skin has been getting worse. pair that with lack of exercise. I still haven't been on a workout schedule. well, wish me good luck for next week!

summer class
I recently took the midterms for my summer courses and I didn't do very well. There were five separate tests and for three of them, I received high marks. But for the other two, I did poorly. It's only my fault and I should've studied more but it's still frustrating nonetheless. hopefully I do better next time :P

well that's been my life for the past week, not very interesting. I don't mind having a mundane life but sorry that you had to read this boring post, haha. hopefully I'll come up with something better next week. :)

thanks for reading!

Monday, June 23, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire | Cassandra Clare

Hi everyone

Today's post will be a review on City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare, the 6th and final book in The Mortal Instruments.

So I literally just finished reading the book like less than 3 minutes ago.

So this will be my review of the book, I mentioned I was going to be posting this review a loong time ago but I just never had time to sit down and read it.

First things first, if you haven't read the Infernal Devices, you should probably read that series first. I only read the first book of the Infernal Devices going into this book and a lot of stuff happened that relates the the characters in the other series.

I did enjoy this book and it was a good ending. I've experienced some horrible endings before (*cough cough* Maximum Ride and Requiem) so I was quite satisfied with this book.

I definitely recommend it, there were lots of funny scenes and I really enjoyed reading it! However, you should know that I'm not the biggest fan of the overall series. I just don't find most of the character likable.

anyways, on to the spoiler section! So if you haven't read the book yet, go read it and come back!


Saturday, June 21, 2014

summer essentials! ^_^

hi everyone

so today's post is going to be some of my personal essentials that I think everyone should have for this summer!

1. good sunscreen
so this is pretty obvious but sunscreen is so important especially when your going to be spending time outside. I wear sunscreen year round but int he summer when I'm spending time outside more often, it's very important to keep your skin protected.

2. cute summer hat
so if your not a fan of sunblock, then try wearing a hat when you step outside. here are two of my favorite hats for this summer

I actually added the floral headband around the first hat. ^_^ can you tell I love floral? lol

3. oil blotting sheets
now this is extremely important for me because I am an oily mess. It's ridiculous. but I can stay matte and sweat free with oil blotting sheets.

4. lip balm with SPF
keeping your lips protected from the sun is also very important! I've never been sunburned on the lips but it must make eating food really uncomfortable.

5. fun sunglasses
I usually don't apply sunscreen around my eyes but keeping your eyes protected is also very important. and it keeps you from blinding yourself from looking at the sun.

6. a good book and summer songs
you probably have figured out I'm a big bookworm. If reading isn't your thing that's fine but when you at the beach chilling (or actually burning), it's nice to read. Or if your going on a trip and need something to do on an airplane, a book is a good way to pass time. The book I'm going to be reading is The Eye of Minds of James Dashner. Can't wait to read it!
and the final thing are your summer tunes. In my last blog post you'll know that I'm obsessed with Ariana Grande's album from last year. Not to mention Problem is a very catchy song as well. ^_~

so those are the ingredients for a splendid summer. thanks for reading!

p.s. copied kyoung's signature idea hehe ^_^ she's more pro at the blogging thing

Friday, June 20, 2014

Ins and Outs

Hi everyone!

So today's blog post is going to be inspired from one of my favorite bloggers and YouTube, Elle Fowler. she did these "ins and outs" posts that I really enjoy reading, so I thought I'd give them a go. hope y'all don't mind hehe. I'm typing this two days before I'm going to publish this because sometimes I fall behind with blogging so I schedule them.


sort of healthy eating yes I've been eating a bit more healthy (not really) but I've been trying really hard to be healthier when it comes to my eating choices. my goal isn't to lose weight but just to be healthy overall. I stuff myself with junk 99% of the time and I've been trying to change that. one thing that I've been consistent with is my water intake. I've been drinking about 8 glasses of water everyday which isn't I wish I was drinking more, but it's definitely been an improvement from a couple of months ago. I would only drink about two glasses of water per day. ridiculous I know haha. but yeh I've been trying and I'm still eating a lot of junk, but I'm trying! ^_^

pinterest I've been so obsessed with pinterest I do not know what is going on. I've spent countless hours on pinterest which is really bad. hence why I posted the blog post I did yesterday haha. I'm definitely spending less time on there but it's still been pretty bad. I have just been so obsessed with pinterest and tumblr lately.

despicable me 2 I know I'm late to the party but I watched it yesterday and it was so adorable! it was such a feel good movie and it was so cute! ^_^

writing I've just been loving writing and blogging and just words I guess hehe. I've been writing in my journal and recently got a new journal (well it wasn't new I sort of collect journals...) to write all my lists in. I'm a Virgo and I've heard Virgo's like to make lists so that makes sense :) but I love make lists for my daily goals, blog ideas, and books I want to read. And overall anything I want to accomplish.

music I've been obsessed with some of Ariana Grande's songs from her album last year. I didn't listen to the entire album until this year, which is ridiculous of me. My favorite songs are Lovin' It and Better Left Unsaid, two songs I mentioned in my previous post if you read to the end. ^_~ also been obsessed with a song from spazzkid called Getting to Know You and Hugh Mitchell called new Beginnings. both songs I found in YouTube videos. One of my favorite channels CloudyApples and one of my favorite fashion channels, wendyslookbook. <3

ugh blogger is really annoying me right now, it keeps sending me little messages that it can't save my post? hmm... btw listening to Getting to Know You right now, it's such a happy song ^_^


City of Heavenly Fire I've been trying to get through the book but the characters keep frustrating me. I've never been the hugest fan of Clary and Jace and they just irritate me so much. sorry to all the jary (is that the right ship name? lol) fans but I cannot stand them. Clary is my number 2 most irritating character ever. number one goes to the lovely America Singer. anyways, I'm having a really hard time getting through the book so the review will be delayed. sorry :(

working out I have not been working out as much as I'd like recently. I usually go for a hike on the weekends but I just can't drag myself out of bed. Recently I've been sleeping really late (for me) at 12 p.m. and waking up at 10-11 a.m. which is really late for me. I want to get into the habit of sleeping early and waking up early. But it's really difficult because I usually go hiking at around 7 a.m. So yeh, I'm trying to go for bike rides at least for 30 minutes a day with my dog Gremlin.

so yeh, that's a round  up of my summer so far... haha kind of boring ^_^ but I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I hope to be doing this more because these are my favorite posts from Elle.

thank you for reading! <3

Thursday, June 19, 2014

life online

hey everyone

so for several weeks now I've been thinking about what I'm about to post.

so this is going to be a very jumbled and kind of hypocritical post. but we're all hypocrites so don't judge. x)

basically what I want to talk about is your life online. I've realized that I kind of have a problem with the virtual world. I spend most of my time and energy on the internet. this is so ironic because I'm on the laptop right now blogging, but I don't shame the virtual world,  I just think that some people should spend less time on the internet.

now, the internet is pretty much magic. it allows us to talk to people across the world. it is very convenient and gives us quick access to things that would take days of time. I love the internet because I can share my thoughts like I'm doing right now. There's so much fun content on the internet that we can watch, read, etc. Personally, I spend a lot of time on the internet.

But how much is too much?

I don't think spending time on the computer is wrong, I just think some people, including myself, spend too much time on it. It' something that I'm still working on. Especially during the summer when I'm at home I just find myself on the internet because what else should I do?

but something I'm trying to do more often is getting out there and experiencing life, not through a screen. I guess I sound a bit dramatic but it's true for me. I spend far too much time staring at a screen and I want to try to spend more time outside, enjoying the summer.

spending too much time staring at a screen is bad for your eyes and the electronic device also gives off radiation. It's not life threatening but it's definitely not healthy.

the reason why I posted the summer activities post was because I wanted to do more things instead of being in front of a computer screen.

so I hope this post kind of inspires you to step out of your home and spend time outside. there's nothing wrong with the internet but spending too much time in front of a screen is unhealthy for you. and I hope I don't sound to preachy in this video, this post is also a wake-up call for me. I'm definitely guilty of staring at the screen for hours. but it's something I'm definitely going to work on! ^_^

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I know it's a bit ironic that I'm saying this through a screen but it's just something that was on my mind and I hope to improve!

thank you so much for reading and check out xia's wonderful posts yesterday if you would like to read more posts like this!

p.s. this is totally random but "lovin' it" and "better left unsaid" have been stuck in my head for hours hehe. but they are great songs so not complaining! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Wow, I am back after a minute writing my future post because I originally meant to write my death post but somehow my future post got published first. I said earlier if you read my future post that I am not the best person at explaining or philosophical person. But I wanted to share my thoughts with you because so many people fear death.

My friend Mels kind of inspired me to write this post. I can't convince either, but atleast I can try?

Death is one of the most unfair and scariest topics out there in my opinion. I might sound all yolo in this post but that's really you'll understand one day.

Let's talk about you, you probably lie down in bed thinking about death. Maybe not yours, but your family members, random strangers, your pet. (sorry if i got way too personal) And it scares you, so much. You don't now when someone dies, for all who knows I might die in the next day. But whats important is YOU in the present, RIGHT NOW. You are wasting your precious time to live your days to the fullest by thinking of death. If you waste your time right now, what will you think about when you die? On how you're dying? 

I wish that you would spend your precious time, living to the fullest. (I hate how that sounds I sound so wanna be yolo guruidnsdma) But, it's actually the truth. When you are older, you cannot do things you are able to do now. You won't be able to hang out with your friends as often, joke around, get a job, possibly even read. 

Why are you wasting your time, thinking about death? You are living the present, the future is something that should not be feared. To be honest, it drives me crazy on how you are fearing death and trust me, even though you don't even know me personally. I would perish for all of you for you to live in peace.
Death is inevitable (dont bring up some immortal sayings right now) and you really can't do anything about death. 

You will regret thinking about your fear for death. You should not be wasting your time thinking about that, but doing something that will only make you happier in the future.

I know this may not have anything to do with this post, but some habits in order to stop, you just have to stop thinking about it. Same goes for your thoughts. That quote that goes like death leaves a heartache no one can heal but love leaves memories no one can steal. Make memories sweetheart, go live your live to fullest. 

Fear is only holding you back, Fear is something you can overcome. After you overcome it, there are so much better things waiting for you ahead. Don't be scared, please. You are stronger, and thinking about something that's holding you back is ridiculous. 

I don't think I got to my conclusion and my reasons not to be scared because I told you I can't process anything right now.

You are fearless.

And you for sure know that the best.

the future

 I really don't know how to write this honestly, because I'm not the best philosophical person or to put in a simpler way, I don't think I'm good at explaining nor helping people. But, my ultimate goal of this post is to make you realize, it's okay to be scared. As you may tell from the title, I'll be covering two of the most scariest and vicious topics. The Future. (loud screaming from me)

Enough of fooling around, I'm going to serious in this post (I mean I'm trying..) I'm so sorry if I sound annoying ahead on, you're probably going to think, this qurl knows nothing she aint no help. You're right, I might not help one bit, but my goal of this post (I'm really not that sure myself,) is to just make you realize this and remember. Also, I may not be most understanding, but I slightly know. Mels (the other admin aka my close friend) Mels kind of inspired me to write this. And of course, people like you. (sorry, im trying)

The future.

Growing up really sucks most of the time. (or maybe all the time) But what sucks even more is, you can't really stop yourself from growing up. I really don't know to explain my thoughts, its all jumbled all in my head which I can't really explain but I'll try my best. I'm sure most of you or maybe all has once just all of a sudden thought about the future and how you don't want to grow up and going on and on. Neither do I want to grow up. But growing up, something we can't stop, is a time for new journeys. Let's try to think positive here, you're probably like but what about jobs, what about finance, etc. Yeah, that's something to worry about, but not something to worry about now at the second.

You are living the present right now, not the future. So, let me tell you something, REPEAT THAT OVER IN YOUR HEAD, until you just finally understand what I really mean. I probably sound like a huge hypocrite (ok maybe i am but isnt almost everybody?) since I always think about the future. My mom's always like you have so much years ahead stop thinking about that and this. But in honesty, I can't because I'm scared of change.

But change is really inevitable. There's this quote I see often, that change is really for the better. That there's a good outcome to that. And I know you are probably like yo man thats not correct ive been through change, ive seen my friends change.

And let me apologize ahead, I'm a person who thinks thats sometimes good things fall so bad so even more precious and better things can recreate. Almost Eeveryone atleast loses friends because of change, and but because of that reason. You, or (trust me on this) you'll meet a better one. Long time ago, I was like what the heck I've had so many fake friends I just know there's never going to be one who understands me.

And truly, I noticed, that honestly, no one really understands.

They say they understand, but deep inside, you know that they REALLY don't understand and I can't really blame them. But trust me on this, it might take years for you to find the right friend for you, but along the way you'll face obstacles that will stop you from moving foward but let me tell you something. Do whatever you have to do ruin something that's stopping you from moving foward. Getting back on topic, change is growing up. Change is usually for the better. (okay maybe not but if you trust yourself you would know there are going to be better things after things fall apart)

You'll grow up, but there are so many good aspects on growing up. You'll mature (or maybe not LOL), you'll face obstacles that make you fall down but all you have to do, is be strong. Wipe off your knees and face the world, because you still have things in front that will make you only stronger.

The future is scary, so scary. I don't mean to be all yolo because I really hate the fact its yolo but you still have a life to live for. If you fail, that only gives you thousands of reasons more to stand up and try even harder. It's okay to be scared, but it's not okay that its holding you back from the better.

I know I may not be any help, I probably didn't even get to say 98.9% (not kidding) of what I wanted to say because I have so many thoughts I can't write down one.

You have people waiting for in the future, you have dreams in the future that need to be reached. Don't let fear hold you back, because you know the best that you can overcome those fears.

You may not want to try again, because you'd think the outcome would be the same. I don't know who it was but one of the most important inventions made, the inventor made around a thousand I believe and he kept going until it finally worked.

Look at you, you are stronger than you know it.

Fear should not something be that should be stopping you from excelling, but fear should be no more but an obstacle that you know you are going to overcome. When you overcome fear, you can move on and become stronger.

Don't be afraid of the future, because there will be ups and downs. But there are important people waiting for you in the future. Greater happiness waiting for you. And the happy and fearless you in the future.

You are fearless.

And you for sure know that the best.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

bookshelf tour

hi everyone

as promised, here is my book shelf tour ^_^

here is an overview of my bookshelf! ^_^ I'm not sure where I got my bookshelves.

here is my aloe plant :) the decorative box is from Micheal's and the light up roses are from amazon.

on the other top of my bookshelves I have a little tray with my jewelry, origami stars, and my shell dragon. the shell dragon and dog I got from China.

so as you can tell I have organized my bookshelf by color. ^_^ the yellow checkered box with the floral lid and the teal woven bin is from daiso. the white teddy bear is from ulta. :)

the boxes with Big Ben, the leaning tower, and the Eiffel tower are from Micheal's. the black square bins I believe are from staples.

so that was my bookshelf tour! If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below! I forgot where I bought most of the stuff so my apologies. but hopefully this blog post gave you some organization ideas for your bookshelf or an insight on the kind of books I like to read. :)

thank you so much for reading! ^_^

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

room tour ^ ^


so yesterday I filmed a room tour video. it's actually more like a video about my various knickknacks haha. it's my first video so it's nothing too fancy, but I hope you all enjoy it ^_^

anyways, here are a couple of pictures of my room... :)

Not sure where I got the bed frrame, sheets, or blanket. But the wall decals are from target. ^_^

hehe there's my dog in the corner... btw ignore that pile of shiz on the left. 
The pillow case is from h&m and again, not sure where the desk is from.

here are my bookshelves, my favorite part of my room. I will be doing a more in depth blog post specifically on my bookshelves.

and here is my closet and dresser. and the top of my dresser looks so messy.. *sigh*

Anyways, that was my room, sorry for the bad lighting in the video...

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

140610 | my summer so far

Yo yo yo man~

Lately, my life has been so hectic........ I don't even know what to explain since my life is so boring and I'm pretty sure you might want to see mels wonderful posts but....
I think I'm going to be more of the lifestyle blogger here..

I sincerely apologize to the lack of my posts... I've been really busy lately, or lazy.... but blogging is something I really adore so I will probably never leave. I rarely update on my other account for instagram only like once every two weeks... (not that bad., i hope..) Well, I'm probably boring the heck out of you (I am boring the heck out of me also).

The first week of my summer started out well, (last week), I slept in and had a smile on my face. But now, since I started summer school (hence I'm taking Math..) I only come home with a frustrated attitude and over 70 pages of homework. 

wish it was as simple as this even though this took around 4 hours.. good times..

My whole life I never had those summers in those movies where the girl is like yo man waddup friends lets hangout, but one summer I will. (which is probably never, but) 

Lately, the only happiness I had was watching my favorite drama with my mom.. (seeing my cuties face) Overall, I regret summer school... I have no friends... (wanting to punch mels for not joining with me)

I miss my lovely stupid friends I love to tease 
and bully. (huk, we will meet soon~)

I promise I'll try to update more frequently, but my camera is making me angry so I can't really promise you the quality.......... These pictures are mostly from my galaxy so I apologize. 

wish i can go back here arent you jealous of me because im jealous of my past times (miserable right now as you can tell)

I need to get my head straight and study (wish we had no breaks in ss then I wouldn't have to be all lonely and qq..)

summer fun

hi everyone!

today I'll be giving you a list of fun, cheap summer activities you can do with yourself, friends, or family.

I personally find myself in front of the computer watching YouTube videos all day. But hopefully these ideas will help you out if you want to do something fun!

biking is one of my favorite things to do. I love the feeling of being on a bike. If you don't own your own bike, it's fairly cheap to rent one. I love biking around my neighborhood but you could also bring your bike to the beach and enjoy the salty air. :)

another one of my favorite ways to exercise is to go on a hike. there are some great hiking trails around my neighborhood and some really beautiful views. here are a couple of photos I took from my hike ^_^

another fun thing to do is to whip up some tasty treats. and you don't have to cook something complicated. it could be something as simple as lemonade or a fruit salad. I will be posting recipes for summer treats soon so be sure to look out for that!

I love flowers and gardening is hard work but definitely worth the effort. If you  don't have a garden you can simply plant a flower in a pot and watch it grow. One of my wishes is to own a vegetable garden someday. Kind of a silly dream but one I hope to accomplish none the less!

picnics are so much fun and don't have to be too elaborate. you don't have to splash out money for a basket full of homemade food, it could be as simple as buying some sandwiches and sitting in a park or even your backyard. it's the simple things in life ^ ^

so those are just a few activities that you could do in the summer. there are still so many things you could besides these 5 ideas such as swimming, painting, crafts, and much more.

what are some of your favorite activities to do during the summer? ^_^

thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Ring and the Crown | Melissa de la Cruz

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my first book review on this blog! ^_^

So today I shall be reviewing The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz.

I really enjoyed the beginning of the book. It is basically a story about what would've happened if Britain won the Revolutionary War with magic. Britain has the most powerful wizard working with the Monarch, which is why Britain remains undefeated. It follows 5 people and their journeys within the book.

Despite following 5 different story lines, the book was not confusing at all. I really liked the writing style and it was so interesting.

If this book sounds like something you'd like, it's definitely worth the read. However, I was very disappointed in the ending of the book. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give this book a 5/10.

So that is the end of the non-spoiler section. Go read the book and finish this blog post! :)