"Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame." -Benjamin Franklin
We all have heard that quote once in our lives, "Love your enemies."
I have for sure.
I always thought to myself, "Love my enemies?" and I decided to I would keep this quote close to my heart. It never really worked out.
In our life, day by day, we end up judging and gossiping about people who don't really know.
As I matured through life, I've heard multiple times from the people around me saying, "Why would she/he hang out with she/he?"
Do you know why?
Because even though you may despise them, there are people who enjoy their company. You may hate them for a certain reason or because of everything, but they obviously have something about them which keeps their friends close to them.
During your school years, you've heard and knew that many people gossiped about you. Probably at least once, you have gossiped back about them back.
Why must we do this?
I always tell myself nowadays, be a mature lady and don't gossip back even though you know they are talking trash about you.
But sometimes we can't hold ourselves back.
Think to yourself, why am I talking about trash about someone?
Will this person matter to me in my future?
Are they even worth my time?
I always hear people around me gossiping, in my head, I repeatedly punch myself and them. Sometimes we can't hold ourselves back from gossiping with them.
But in the end humans are humans.
In the end, we are humans with pride and feelings.
People often say, "She won't care if we talk about her,"
But usually, they really do.
Stop yourself.
You do it out of anger usually, angry that they are talking pure trash about you. But in the end, you are looking at yourself in shame inside.
Do you really feel proud after you talked trash about them back?
You may think you do, but trust me, all that remains in the end is shame.
Those ones who gossip first, are being very immature. But whats even more immature is if you talk the same.
"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out."'
Many people may think this way, "Why can't I talk about them back when they hurt me?"
Because that just makes you as low as them.
Be careful who you hang with, there's this quote that goes around, "Those who about everything to you, are the ones that gossip about you also."
My friends often gossip about people, and I really just sometimes can't tolerate it or sometimes I jump in. I don't know why we do, maybe because we want to feel better? Or maybe because it's pure detest?
We all know we can become a better person than we already are.
Would you like it if someone was talking about you even though they don't clearly know anything about you? You probably don't know much about them either.
Maybe people judge because they have something going on with their lives, maybe its their lowest points in their life. Talking trash won't help them become more mature and wise.
Think to yourself, that not only you can be more positive but more mature and better.
Don't be a fool.
"Don't judge someone because they sin differently from you."
"Avoid speaking in anger, avoid gossiping of any kind."
"Leave them unsaid."
i didnt get to say it exactly on how i wanted it to sorry if it sounds misleading |