Tuesday, July 15, 2014

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Hi everyone!

So I decided to do a book review on We Were Liars because this book was really different.

I hope you all don't mind all the book talk going on, Book-Tube-a-thon is going on right now and I've been doing a lot of reading. We'll not really. But I did finish a book today. It was really short though.

Anyways this book was just really... Different. I don't read a lot of contemporary novels but this one was so different to the ones I've read. 

This book has a very specific plot and I don't want to spoil it for any of you who haven't read it.

I really don't know how I feel about this book, it was so unique but didn't have enjoyable qualities most books would have. But it was super interesting and something about it kept me hooked.

Anyways, if you haven't read the book, go read it! I definitely think it's a book worth reading. Just not a feel good book. In that sense it reminds me a lot of Death Note.

Go read it and then come back and finish this blog post.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

더 그로브 the grove

[in english and korean]
[영어 하고 한국어]

더 그로브 the grove 

hello~ I have my camera again~ I went to the grove the other day and hung out with some friends, I don't have much to say so lets start.

안녕하세요~  카메라 찾았어용~ 어제 그로브 친구들 같이 갔어요.
말할 거 마니 없는데요, 시작하자요!!

밀키스~ | milkis

밤에서 진자 예뻐요... | at night its pretty though

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 죄송합니다 ㅋㅋ..;; | sorry hahahahah

자이 \ 재 ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 그 신발 있어요!!!! 친구들 얼굴 사진을 찍을 수 없습니다 | j or jae haha i have those shoes also and i cant take pictures of my friends faces

트롤리 | trolley

저녁 식사~ 음~ | dinner~ mmm~
내 손 ;; | my hand

우리는 잘 먹었습니다!! | we ate well

와~ | wah

사탕 가게

밤에서 진자 예뻐요... | at night its so pretty

분수....너무 예뻐요... |fountain... its so pretty

아이스크림, 보기 예뻐요... | ice cream, the view is so pretty

집에 갈 시간~~~ || time to go home

바이~ | bye

Thursday, July 10, 2014

happiness takes effort

Hi everone

This blog post was inspired by the wonderful Kassie, from cloudyapples.

So I recently have been quite stressed and worried. Sometimes I get consumed over my own worries and problems.

The same goes for a bad day. those days when nothing is going right. and it's not even like something devastating happened, it's just those little things pile up and that day becomes a bad day.

I've also been through some pretty rough things and sadness just sucked me in and took over.

I'm not saying that I never allow myself to have a bad day, because honestly, we have to have bad days to have good days. but if that is something that becomes repetitive or constant in your life, I think it's important to step out and evaluate.

Sometimes I'll feel sad and I'll think why is life like this? I wish things could be better, things like that. but it's really up to me to make things better. view things in a positive way.

It's not that I don't ever feel sad, but if I want to be happy, I'll have to put in some effort. ^_~

As Kassie mentioned, I also used to think that someday, things would get better, but they don't. I'm never going to be happy unless I hold on to everything positive I encounter.

Whenever I feel worried, stressed, or unhappy, I just think about how grateful I am for every little thing. I'm so grateful that I'm not hungry or sick.

I try to be in a mindset that thinks that everyday will be beautiful. even if I'm just going to be staying at home or just going to class, everyday is a gift. even if it's just an ordinary, mundane day in my life. I try view it as an adventure.

I hope you enjoyed today's blog post. thank you for reading! <3

Saturday, July 5, 2014

summer morning routine

hey everyone!

so I'm back with a morning routine blog post because I've been doing a lot of blog posts about books and my life so I wanted to add something that some of you might find interesting?

wake up
in the summer I typically wake up at around 10-11 a.m., which is really late for me. But I take online courses and my time schedule is quite lenient. I've been trying to make my bed but sometimes I just get really lazy. I would also normally go on the iPad and watch a couple of videos and what not.

1. take care of gremlin

The first thing I do when I wake up is feed my dog Gremlin. Sometimes she'll wake me up with her barking if she needs water or food. so I feed her, fill up her water bowl, and let her do her business.

2. make a cup of green tea

I haven't been doing this often but I'm trying to make a cup of green tea every morning. however, I find whenever I drink too much tea, my sleep schedule is off, but green tea has so many health benefits.

3. brush teeth and skincare

next I would brush my teeth and wash my face. the cleanser I'm using is from Alba, it's their pineapple enzyme cleanser, and I think it's alright. Then I would apply moisturizer. I'm using yes to carrots moisturizer with SPF 15. again, it's alright.

4. brunch

typically I would just eat my lunch because it's already near noon. I would normally have some kind of prepared food like beef with rice or noodles with soup. it's really unhealthy with lots of sodium but tastes good. and I would have some fruit with that, like a bowl of strawberries or a banana. if I'm still hungry, I would eat some cucumber. I have my lunch with a tall glass of water.

so that would be my "morning routine". it usually takes place in the afternoon.

this isn't always what happens every single day. sometimes I might go for a bike ride, wake up earlier and eat breakfast, or take a shower.

but I hope you enjoyed this post, I will probably do a night routine soon.

thank you for reading!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

hi everyone,

Happy 4th of July!

today's book review is going to be on Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.

So I was planning to do an overall review on the series as a whole but really wanted to talk about the book in more detail.

This book was a fantastic ending to a wonderful series and I highly encourage you to read it. This book made me realize a lot of things and it was very eye opening.

I would give this book a 9/10 and the series overall a 9/10.

So go read it and then come back and finish the blog post because there will be spoilers down below.


1. I'm currently in a book slump because this book was a lot of emotions. Stocking up on some contemporary books to help me recover. Maybe I'll do a blog post on that?

2. The scene when Jem meets Will was fantastic. Jem and Will's relationship is one of my favorite things about this book. Alec and Jace's relationship does not even compare. When Jem and Will are separated, Jem's like a mother looking for his lost child. When Jace and Alec are seperated, they're just like whatever.

3. The scene with Will burning his hands to catch Jem's drug was so heart breaking. Seeing Will's burned hands just broke my heart. It just truly shows how much Will wants Jem to live and how much Will loves Jem.

4. Also, Jessamine's death was so upsetting. I kind of hate and love Jessamine. However, I do wish she was in the book more often. Even though she had a big role, she wasn't in the book very often.

5. I wasn't that surprised when Jem became a Silent Brother because I read the entire Mortal Instruments series first (which I wish I didn't) and it was quite evident that it was Jem or Will. I actually thought it would be Will because I always thought Will would end up with Tessa.

6. The epilogue with a recap of Tessa and Will's life was just so heart breaking. I feel so bad for Tessa. Immortality is something that is so desired and so undesirable. Seeing everyone around me die is the most painful things to me.

7. I was so surprised that Tessa ended up with both of them. It is a YA rule (not really) that she needs to pick one, lol. I have mixed feelings about the ending. It gave me everything I wanted but also nothing I wanted. I appreciate how Tessa remained true to Jem. I can tell that she truly loves both Will and Jem.

So that was my review of Clockwork Princess, this series is truly amazing. I don't want to offend any TMI fans but I was so surprised that I would love one of Cassandra Clare's books so much. TMI was just so incomparable to this series. Don't get me wrong, I like TMI and without it, there wouldn't be TID, but the characters just piss me off.

Remember, these are my opinions and if you are a hardcore TMI fan, I totally respect your opinion.

anyways, thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


hi everybody!

so this blog post is kind of a reply/part 2 to kyoung's, her post really inspired me and I wanted to add to it.

my experience with gossip...

so I had some friends that weren't really friends, who always said mean things about other people when that person wasn't there. I always felt like they were talking behind me back once I left the room because they always talked about someone then act like they were that person's friend. I have to admit that I'm guilty of joining into gossip and it's something I'm really ashamed of. Something that I've learned about gossip is that the person your talking bad about will most likely find out. And it ruins friendships.

gossip made me very self-conscious, I always felt like I was being judged. I was very aware of everything and couldn't trust people because I felt that people were saying thing behind my back.

gossip also lead to a lot of drama and stress that could have been prevented.

I believe people gossip out of jealousy. There are other factors as well, maybe out of anger or just boredom. 

how to deal with it?

I'm no expert and I still make mistakes, everyone does. I've experienced a lot of people who will tell people they're wrong and they will do exactly the same. I dont want to be that person who is quick to tell people what they are doing wrong.

but from what I've experienced, finding the right friends is very important. once I left that group of gossipy friends, all the drama ceased. I felt influenced to gossip when I was around gossipy people and when I found better friends, I never argued or got stressed because of them. friends are supposed to make you happy and laugh, not cry and worry.

I regret caring so much about what other people said about me and wasting my time feeling stressed about it. Looking back at it, it's almost funny.

if you feel like your being gossiped about, something I recommend is to find something better to do. This is pretty hard for me, I always try to tell myself that it doesn't matter what people think, but sometimes it's really hard to have that conscience.

however, when I find myself wrapped up in a good book, busy playing an instrument, cooking, exercising, writing, etc., I don't think about what other people are thinking. I'm too busy focusing on what I'm doing.

but for me, the biggest thing is surrounding myself with good company. people who have better things to do than stand around and talk about other people.

so I hope this blog post kind of helped you? make sure to go check out xia's post by clicking here.

thanks for reading!


"Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame." -Benjamin Franklin

We all have heard that quote once in our lives, "Love your enemies."

I have for sure.

I always thought to myself, "Love my enemies?" and I decided to I would keep this quote close to my heart. It never really worked out.

In our life, day by day, we end up judging and gossiping about people who don't really know.

As I matured through life, I've heard multiple times from the people around me saying, "Why would she/he hang out with she/he?" 

Do you know why?

Because even though you may despise them, there are people who enjoy their company. You may hate them for a certain reason or because of everything, but they obviously have something about them which keeps their friends close to them.

During your school years, you've heard and knew that many people gossiped about you. Probably at least once, you have gossiped back about them back. 

Why must we do this?

I always tell myself nowadays, be a mature lady and don't gossip back even though you know they are talking trash about you.

But sometimes we can't hold ourselves back.

Think to yourself, why am I talking about trash about someone?

Will this person matter to me in my future?

Are they even worth my time?

I always hear people around me gossiping, in my head, I repeatedly punch myself and them. Sometimes we can't hold ourselves back from gossiping with them.

But in the end humans are humans.

In the end, we are humans with pride and feelings.

People often say, "She won't care if we talk about her," 

But usually, they really do.

Stop yourself.

You do it out of anger usually, angry that they are talking pure trash about you. But in the end, you are looking at yourself in shame inside.

 Do you really feel proud after you talked trash about them back?

You may think you do, but trust me, all that remains in the end is shame.

Those ones who gossip first, are being very immature. But whats even more immature is if you talk the same.

"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out."'

Many people may think this way, "Why can't I talk about them back when they hurt me?"

Because that just makes you as low as them.

Be careful who you hang with, there's this quote that goes around, "Those who about everything to you, are the ones that gossip about you also."

My friends often gossip about people, and I really just sometimes can't tolerate it or sometimes I jump in. I don't know why we do, maybe because we want to feel better? Or maybe because it's pure detest?

We all know we can become a better person than we already are.

Would you like it if someone was talking about you even though they don't clearly know anything about you? You probably don't know much about them either.

Maybe people judge because they have something going on with their lives, maybe its their lowest points in their life. Talking trash won't help them become more mature and wise.

Think to yourself, that not only you can be more positive but more mature and better.

Don't be a fool.

"Don't judge someone because they sin differently from you."

"Avoid speaking in anger, avoid gossiping of any kind."

"Leave them unsaid."

i didnt get to say it exactly on how i wanted it to sorry if it sounds misleading

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


      "Friendship is not about whom you've known the longest, but about those who has never left your side."

Sometimes, I lay in bed all scared and nervous for the future.
I feel that in school, I will sit by myself with all my friends with new friends.
People say, "Everything dies."
But I know deep inside my heart, the love that you have for your friends won't.
As I'm writing this, I know who in my group of friends will probably leave. (which is all)
But I really hope those who I really guard and love won't leave me.
Maybe it may happen for a reason, it's fate.
I'm selfish so I don't want to let go. I know as I'm writing this, a year later the ones I'm hanging around will not be the same.
I'm scared.
I treasure my precious friends that I would even take my life for them.
I love you guys so much and it scares me thinking about our departure.
But, pretties, we can't decide our fate.
I'm sorry I can be mean, annoying, trashy, and a jerk.
I'm sorry that I can't be the one you guys always look foward to see everyday or depend on me all the time.
I'm sorry I can't be a good friend.
I know you guys hate me, but I'll always love you.
I'll be there when you guys tell me about your first kiss, your first love, your first breakup, and you walking down the aisle with your loved ones.
My body won't be there maybe, but my heart will.
We will seperate, people always say we can't keep everything forever.
But we can try, right?

day in my life #1

hello everyone!

so today's blog post will be my first 'day in my life' blog post. I mentioned this in one of my last blog posts and decided today would be a nice day to do this blog post.

xia is the lifestyle blogger around here and I love reading her blog posts but I thought I would give lifestyle blogging a go, since it's a bit like a personal diary online. I'm also going to still be doing ins and outs post because they are a fun way of seeing the good and bad things that I've been up to in my week.

WARNING: What you are about to read is incredibly boring.

so here are some random tidbits of my day...

1. I've been talking in what I think is an Australian accent all day. I don't know what it is about me and accents, but I love talking in them. I think I'm quite good with British accents, as one my my friends always mentions I'm good at talking in a British accent. However, I'm getting worse at my British accent and better at my Australian one. I think it depends on what I'm watching. I've been watching Private School Girl, Lauren Curtis, Wengie, and Belle's accent from Once Upon a Time is rubbing off on me. As I'm typing I'm thinking in an Australian accent. Yeh I know, I'm really strange lol, x) I've actually never been to Australia, but I'd love to visit.

2. Enough about accents, I'm procrastinating right now, as usual. I attend an online summer class and I'm supposed to be doing an assignment but I'm just blogging away.

3. Woke up this morning and finally took a bath. I haven't taken a bath in such a long time. I use to take baths every single day but now I'm just taking them every week or so. I used to be a bath person but now I'm more of a shower person. Anyways, took a nice bubble bath with the Carried Away bubble bath from Bath and Body Works.

4. Speaking of Bath and Body Works, I went there a couple of days ago and walked out with a lot of soaps. I'll add a picture since I really like blog posts with pictures...

bought 3 bottles of the Sea Side Bloom soap because the packaging was pretty hehe ^_~ the other bottle was in my restroom

5. Drinking out of a massive mug right now filled with green tea. My aunt got it for me a long time ago but haven't ever used it until today. Since my diet has been all over the place, I'm going to try drinking green tea quite often. Hopefully it'll help clear up my skin as well. ;)

I think the cup is from HomeGoods, not completely sure though

6. Been reading the last book in The Infernal Devices trilogy, Clockwork Princess. It's been really nice. Can't seem to put the book down. There were lots of heartbreaking scenes and I might do a book review, but I prefer to do book reviews on books that have been newly released. But I like this trilogy so much I think I'll do a review on all three books.

7. Been feeling faint most of the day, every time I stand up my vision turns black. Looked it up and it's probably from dehydration? I mean I drank a lot of water today so I feel like that's not it.

8. Ate some pasta for dinner, which was really nice. :) mel loves pasta. After eating I felt less faint. I think I didn't eat enough and that's why I felt faint but I never felt hungry. Anyways, I'm all good now so I think the pasta helped. :)

Alright well, that was my day. Actually it's going to be my yesterday because I'm scheduling this a day after I'm typing this. I like to post every day but sometimes I don't have the inspiration to blog. So when I'm in a blogging mood I'll write a couple of posts and schedule them on different days.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and didn't find it terribly boring. I did warn you...

thank you for reading!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Furry Friend Tag

hi everyone!

so I thought I would do the Furry Friend Tag because I've mentioned my dog Gremlin in a couple of blog posts and thought this was a fun and cute tag to do.


1) What is your pet’s name?

2) What kind of pet is it and what breed?
she's an affenpinscher

3) How long have you had your pet friend?
for about 3 years

4) How did you get your pet?
my neighbors had a friend who owned Gremlin and three other pets. she decided her house was too small for four pets and wanted Gremlin to have a yard.

5) How old is your pet?
6 years old, her birthday is September 27th

6) What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality?
Gremlin is super energetic and is always so excited when we take her for walks.

7) What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
The thing about dogs is that they will love you regardless as long as you take care of them. People will judge you based on how you look or what you like but dogs (pets in general) will always love you. :)

8) What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?
I love going on hikes with her and just chillin.

9) What are the nicknames that you call your pet?
黑 (which essentially means 'small black' because she's a. small and b. black) , Grem

alright, so that was the Furry Friend Tag, hope you enjoyed reading it!

p.s. I'm not sure what's going on with the font, sorry! :(